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2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/raster/qgsrasterminmaxorigin.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *
class QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
This class describes the origin of min/max values. It does not store by
itself the min/max values.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
#include "qgsrasterminmaxorigin.h"
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
static const double CUMULATIVE_CUT_LOWER;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Default cumulative cut lower limit
static const double CUMULATIVE_CUT_UPPER;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Default cumulative cut upper limit
static const double DEFAULT_STDDEV_FACTOR;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Default standard deviation factor
enum Limits
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
None /PyName=None_/,
enum Extent
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
//! Whole
//! Current
//! Constantly
enum StatAccuracy
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
//! Exact
//! Approximated
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Default constructor.
bool operator ==( const QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin &other ) const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Equality operator.
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Limits limits() const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return limits.
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
:rtype: QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin.Limits
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Extent extent() const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return extent.
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
:rtype: QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin.Extent
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::StatAccuracy statAccuracy() const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return statistic accuracy.
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
:rtype: QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin.StatAccuracy
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
double cumulativeCutLower() const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return lower bound of cumulative cut method (between 0 and 1).
:rtype: float
double cumulativeCutUpper() const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return upper bound of cumulative cut method (between 0 and 1).
:rtype: float
double stdDevFactor() const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return factor f so that the min/max range is [ mean - f * stddev , mean + f * stddev ]
:rtype: float
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
void setLimits( QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Limits limits );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Set limits.
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
void setExtent( QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Extent extent );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Set extent.
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
void setStatAccuracy( QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::StatAccuracy accuracy );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Set statistics accuracy.
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
void setCumulativeCutLower( double val );
Set lower bound of cumulative cut method (between 0 and 1).
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
void setCumulativeCutUpper( double val );
Set upper bound of cumulative cut method (between 0 and 1).
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
void setStdDevFactor( double val );
Set factor f so that the min/max range is [ mean - f * stddev , mean + f * stddev ]
void writeXml( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &parentElem ) const;
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Serialize object.
void readXml( const QDomElement &elem );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Deserialize object.
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
static QString limitsString( Limits limits );
Return a string to serialize Limits
:rtype: str
static Limits limitsFromString( const QString &limits );
Deserialize Limits
:rtype: Limits
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
static QString extentString( QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Extent extent );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return a string to serialize Extent
:rtype: str
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
static QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Extent extentFromString( const QString &extent );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Deserialize Extent
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
:rtype: QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin.Extent
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
static QString statAccuracyString( QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::StatAccuracy accuracy );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Return a string to serialize StatAccuracy
:rtype: str
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
static QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::StatAccuracy statAccuracyFromString( const QString &accuracy );
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
Deserialize StatAccuracy
2017-06-02 12:03:19 +02:00
:rtype: QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin.StatAccuracy
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
2017-06-01 15:39:31 +02:00
* This file has been generated automatically from *
* *
* src/core/raster/qgsrasterminmaxorigin.h *
* *
* Do not edit manually ! Edit header and run scripts/sipify.pl again *