"description": "Performs a spatial join of type EQUALS. This returns an array of results of an expression evaluated on features from a different layer that EQUALS the current feature, or, if no expression if provided, simply returns whether at least one feature from the other layer EQUALS the current feature.",
"description": "an optional expression to evaluate on the features from the other layer (if not set, the function will just return a boolean indicating whether there is at least one match)",
"optional": true
"arg": "filter",
"description": "an optional expression to filter the matching features (if not set, all features will be returned)",
"optional": true
"arg": "limit",
"description": "an optional integer to limit the number of matching features (if not set, all features will be returned)",
"description": "set this to true to build a local spatial index (most of the time, this is unwanted, unless you are working with a particularly slow data provider)",