The python plugin installer was completely overhauled, the new version having many improvements, including checking that the version of QGIS running will support a plugin that is being installed.
<li>The <ahref="">Expat XML Parser</a> is required for the GPS plugin. This vastly improves the speed and memory management when loading GPX files.
<li>The raster georeferencer plugin requires the <ahref="">GNU Scientfic Library</a> (GSL).
GSL and Expat are optional and required only if you want to use the georeferencer or GPS plugins respectively. SQLite is always required.
<dl><dt><spanclass="subheader">Known Issues in this Release
<li>Due to a limitation in the Quicktime graphics engine, there is a limit on the number points allowed per feature. See the Readme that comes with the OS X dmg
<li>Review the list of current issues to make sure your bug has not already been submitted. If it has, review the submission and see if there is anything you can add to the bug report to aid the developers
<li>If your bug has not been reported, create a new ticket, making sure to either login to trac or provide your email address. Tickets lacking contact information are subject to deletion.
<dl><dt><spanclass="subheader">User, Installation and Coding Guide
<dd>The QGIS manual is the definitive guide to using QGIS including installation and coding instructions (be sure to read this!). A current version of the QGIS manual and translations are provided at <ahref=""></a>. Older versions are available at <ahref=""></a>."