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// MemoryTest.cpp
// This demonstrates a use of RTree
// RTree
#include <RTree.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <crtdbg.h>
#endif //WIN32
#include <random>
// Use CRT Debug facility to dump memory leaks on app exit
#ifdef WIN32
// These two are for MSVS 2005 security consciousness until safe std lib funcs are available
#pragma warning(disable : 4996) // Deprecated functions
#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE // Allow old unsecure standard library functions, Disable some 'warning C4996 - function was deprecated'
// The following macros set and clear, respectively, given bits
// of the C runtime library debug flag, as specified by a bitmask.
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(a) \
_CrtSetDbgFlag((a) | _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG))
_CrtSetDbgFlag(~(a) & _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG))
#define SET_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(a) ((void) 0)
#define CLEAR_CRT_DEBUG_FIELD(a) ((void) 0)
#endif //WIN32
// Get a random float b/n two values
// The returned value is >= min && < max (exclusive of max)
static std::random_device sRandomDevice;
static std::mt19937 sMT(sRandomDevice());
static float RandFloat(float a_min, float a_max)
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> distribution(a_min, a_max);
return distribution(sMT);
/// Simplify handling of 3 dimensional coordinate
struct Vec3
/// Default constructor
Vec3() noexcept = default;
/// Construct from three elements
constexpr Vec3(float a_x, float a_y, float a_z) noexcept
: fVal{ a_x, a_y, a_z }
/// Add two vectors and return result
Vec3 operator+ (const Vec3& a_other) const
return Vec3(fVal[0] + a_other.fVal[0],
fVal[1] + a_other.fVal[1],
fVal[2] + a_other.fVal[2]);
float fVal[3] = { 0.0f, }; ///< 3 float components for axes or dimensions
static bool BoxesIntersect(const Vec3& a_boxMinA, const Vec3& a_boxMaxA,
const Vec3& a_boxMinB, const Vec3& a_boxMaxB)
if (a_boxMinA.fVal[0] > a_boxMaxB.fVal[0] || a_boxMaxA.fVal[0] < a_boxMinB.fVal[0])
return false;
if (a_boxMinA.fVal[1] > a_boxMaxB.fVal[1] || a_boxMaxA.fVal[1] < a_boxMinB.fVal[1])
return false;
if (a_boxMinA.fVal[2] > a_boxMaxB.fVal[2] || a_boxMaxA.fVal[2] < a_boxMinB.fVal[2])
return false;
return true;
/// A user type to test with, instead of a simple type such as an 'int'
struct SomeThing
int m_creationCounter; ///< Just a number for identifying within test program
Vec3 m_min, m_max; ///< Minimal bounding rect, values must be known and constant in order to remove from RTree
static int s_outstandingAllocs; ///< Count how many outstanding objects remain
/// Init static
int SomeThing::s_outstandingAllocs = 0;
/// A callback function to obtain query results in this implementation
bool QueryResultCallback(SomeThing* a_data)
printf("search found %d\n", a_data->m_creationCounter);
return true;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
constexpr const int NUM_OBJECTS = 40; // Number of objects in test set
constexpr const int FRAC_OBJECTS = 4;
static_assert(NUM_OBJECTS > FRAC_OBJECTS, "NUM_OBJECTS must be bigger than FRAC_OBJECTS for this test");
constexpr const float MAX_WORLDSIZE = 10.0f;
constexpr const float FRAC_WORLDSIZE = MAX_WORLDSIZE / 2;
// typedef the RTree useage just for conveniance with iteration
using SomeThingTree = RTree<SomeThing*, float, 3>;
SomeThing* thingArray[NUM_OBJECTS * 2] = { nullptr, }; // Store objects in another container to test with, sized larger than we need
// Create intance of RTree
SomeThingTree tree;
// Add some nodes
int counter = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_OBJECTS; ++index)
auto newThing = new SomeThing{};
newThing->m_creationCounter = counter++;
Vec3 extent = Vec3(RandFloat(0, FRAC_WORLDSIZE), RandFloat(0, FRAC_WORLDSIZE), RandFloat(0, FRAC_WORLDSIZE));
newThing->m_max = newThing->m_min + extent;
thingArray[counter - 1] = newThing;
tree.Insert(newThing->m_min.fVal, newThing->m_max.fVal, newThing);
printf("inserting %d\n", newThing->m_creationCounter);
printf("tree count = %d\n", tree.Count());
int numToStep = FRAC_OBJECTS;
// Delete some nodes
for (int index = 0; index < NUM_OBJECTS; index += numToStep)
auto curThing = thingArray[index];
if (curThing)
tree.Remove(curThing->m_min.fVal, curThing->m_max.fVal, curThing);
printf("removing %d\n", curThing->m_creationCounter);
delete curThing;
thingArray[index] = nullptr;
printf("tree count = %d\n", tree.Count());
// Add some more nodes
for (int index = 0; index < numToDelete; ++index)
auto newThing = new SomeThing{};
newThing->m_creationCounter = counter++;
Vec3 extent = Vec3(RandFloat(0, FRAC_WORLDSIZE), RandFloat(0, FRAC_WORLDSIZE), RandFloat(0, FRAC_WORLDSIZE));
newThing->m_max = newThing->m_min + extent;
thingArray[counter - 1] = newThing;
tree.Insert(newThing->m_min.fVal, newThing->m_max.fVal, newThing);
printf("inserting %d\n", newThing->m_creationCounter);
printf("tree count = %d\n", tree.Count());
Vec3 searchMin(0, 0, 0);
tree.Search(searchMin.fVal, searchMax.fVal, &QueryResultCallback);
// NOTE: Even better than just dumping text, it would be nice to render the
// tree contents and search result for visualization.
// List values. Iterator is NOT delete safe
SomeThingTree::Iterator it;
for (tree.GetFirst(it); !tree.IsNull(it); tree.GetNext(it))
SomeThing* curThing = tree.GetAt(it);
if (BoxesIntersect(searchMin, searchMax, curThing->m_min, curThing->m_max))
printf("brute found %d\n", curThing->m_creationCounter);
// Delete our nodes, NOTE, we are NOT deleting the tree nodes, just our data
// of course the tree will now contain invalid pointers that must not be used any more.
for (tree.GetFirst(it); !tree.IsNull(it); tree.GetNext(it))
SomeThing* removeElem = tree.GetAt(it);
if (removeElem)
printf("deleting %d\n", removeElem->m_creationCounter);
delete removeElem;
// Remove all contents (This would have happened automatically during destructor)
if (SomeThing::s_outstandingAllocs > 0)
printf("Memory leak!\n");
printf("s_outstandingAllocs = %d\n", SomeThing::s_outstandingAllocs);
printf("No memory leaks detected by app\n");
#ifdef WIN32
// Use CRT Debug facility to dump memory leaks on app exit
#endif //WIN32
return 0;